Saturday, 2 August 2008
The italian society goes surfing!
It's Diego and Andrea and we want to underline that the italian society is not dead! ;) And to prove it we are in in the Apple Store in LA right now and we just came back from an entire day surfing!!! (and we were able to learn by ourself!!!)
Hope to see you all soon maybe in France since a lot of people are moving or already live there! ;)
- Diego & Andrea surfing :)
Monday, 21 July 2008
I've just finished my luggage for an imminent departure to Barcelona for one week with the very famous "Spanish cunt" and Giovanni!
I regret we can not all gather there for a huge orgy; oooops I meant a meeting...but too many of us betrayed their mediteranean origins to flirt with the anglo-saxon world (people concerned will recognize themselves)and as a consequence are too far away or to busy to move to Spain (Catalogna for Estel :p)...
I hope you are all doing fine and i'll have a special thought for all of you this week!!!
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
I closed a chapter about Scotland today!! (a new one open??)
Dearest all! how are you?? As I always do, I've been missing for a while, but I kept reading the blog. This time I have good excuses though...:-)
I explain the title of my post: less than 10 minutes ago I printed my thesis, surprising enough, I am finally done with a year-and-a-half work I began in Scotland, let's say February 2007, as some of you might remember...
I feel strange, I closed a chapter about Scotland which followed me long after the end of the Erasmus... Maybe I opened a new one! Maybe...:-p On 7th June I was in St Andrews for a conference about my thesis, and I happened to make a good impression on two professors, who asked me to take into consideration to come over to Scotland for my PhD... (Of course I am!!) So, we'll see...
The pic is from St Andrews, it's a view of the old ruined cathedral. Very charming little village (10.000 people!), and I do not need to tell you all how I felt to be back in Scotland! I think I speak for most of us when I say I left a part of me there...
Needless to say as well, I have still two big chapters open from Scotland, Mélissa and you all, and I cant but be happy about this! Sorry for the tone of this post, but I feel nostalgic today... :-p
Ciao to you all, hope I meet you soon, who knows where?
Miss you all!!
Saturday, 7 June 2008
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Italian Society Workshop - Milan (IT), May 22nd
Our members are meeting in Milano on the 22nd of May (next week!).
I will go there only for a few hours cause my flight will arrive in Milano around 15.30-16.
If you can join us let us know! ;)
- Diego
Friday, 16 May 2008
Lluis Llach - La gallineta
Well, I'm sure you'll like it! Its a good metaphora of the working class life!
"La gallineta ha dit que prou,
ja no vull pondre cap més ou,
a fer punyetes aquest sou
que fa tants anys que m'esclavitza.
I si em vénen ganes de fer-ne
em faré venir un restrenyiment
ja no tindrà cap més ou calent
el que de mi se n'aprofita.
La gallina ha dit que no:
Visca la revolució!
A canvi d'algun gra de blat
m'heu tret la força de volar,
però, us ho juro, s'ha acabat!
Tinc per davant tota una vida.
I no pateixo pel destí,
que un cop lliurada del botxí
no ha d'haver-hi cap perill
perquè m'entengui amb les veïnes.
I els galls que amb mi hauran de dormir
els triaré sans i valents,
que n'estic farta d'impotents
que em fan passar nits avorrides.
Que quedi clar per sempre més,
que jo de verge no en tinc res,
i ue, posats a fer, no em ve
d'un segon restrenyiment.
Jo hi sóc només si tu vols ser-hi,
no tinc cap altra veritat,
ni enganys ni misteri,
si tu hi vas, també hi vaig
no tinc país
sense tu,
tampoc tinc demà...
així doncs per sempre
matinc el repte,
només si hi vas jo hi vaig
Jo hi sóc si també vols ser-hi
tan sols per fer un camí junts,
pel goig de seguir les petjades
que ens han dut molt lluny.
Pel plaer d'un demà que engresqui
perquè ens hi troem a gust,
refent l'art de viure
poder conviure
el somni d'un món més just."
"La poulettea dit qu'elle en avant assez!
elle ne veut plus pondre un seul oeuf
au diable cet argent.
Dont je suis esclave depuis longtemps.
Si j'avais envie d'en faire un
je m'arrengerais pour être constipée
pour elui qui m'exploite.
La poule a dit non:
vive la révolution!
En échange de quelques grains de blé
vous m'avez ôté la force de voler
mais je vous jure c'est fini
j'ai devant moi toute une vie
et je ne crains plus l'avenir,
car une fois déliverée du borreau
il n'y aura plus aucune difficulté,
pour que je m'entende avec me voisines!
La poule a dit non:
vive la révolution!
Et les cops qui avec oi devoront dormir
je les choisirai sains et vaillants
je n'ai assez des impuissants
qui me font passer les nuits mornes.
Qu'il soit bien entendu, une fois pour toutes,
que je ne suis plus de tout vierge
er que tout compte fait
je n'en suis plus à une "constipation" près..."
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
I recognize your style with this god (which one???), I miss our conversations in the kitchen sooo much...I hope very soon we'll be able to speak in flesh and for a long time...
I didn't hear about this news...You know what i think about the sacro-saint French obcession to kill any cultural particularities, with the excuse it would challenge the best culture of the world (it's not said directly, but it's what it means...)
Our societies are sick: despite the different stories of our countries -Spanish & Italian trauma due to fascism- (we French show off, pretending we escaped it; Pétain? who is he? that's why we decided to vote a micro-fascist, and when i say micro, i'm alluding at the midget height of the French president not the size of his ideas)
We all have crap representants who represent nobody except themselves and their interests, whose jobs consists in finding black sheeps (globalization, US, terrorist, welfare cheaters, unemployed, immigrant etc..) and accuse them to be responsible for any "mal" from which the society suffers...and we dare mocking the "evil" rethoric of Bush!!!
At the same time, they try to make us feel guilty and ask us to work more and make more sacrifice, all this justified by our deep christian legacy...
You call for another 68 may...i call Giovanni to read a bit more about social movements and see the differences between the "summer of love" of our American friendsand what happened in France at that time...Despite all we can reproach to these movements, it's symbolical power is huge, showing we are not all lobotomised...
I'll add only one thing :
"Si estriem tots, ella caurà
I molt de temps no pot durar
Segur que tomba, tomba, tomba!
Ben corcada deu ser ja.
Si tu l'estires fort per aqui
I jo l'estiro for per allà,
Segur que tomba, tomba, tomba
I ens podrem alliberar"
I miss you !!!!
Monday, 12 May 2008
Thursday, 8 May 2008
The 1968 May
Well, it's quite funny, I think, because I'm sure is not a new in France!
You know, since I'm in catalonia again I have started to think that this countri, despite of Zapatero, is quite crazy...there are one 28 years old boy in prision because he tried to burn a spanish flag (it's not a joke, he will be in prision for two years) and we have our personal terrorism. But, who cares?? In the street people only speak about the economical crisis but every spanish person goes shopping almost every month. We pay around 700 hundred euros for a 30 metres square flat. And of course we only eat potates...(I've heard a girl who could only spend 3 euros per day because she was paying her flat...)
So, thats the Zapatero's plurinational and rich country, even if i think that in Italy is worst (Berlusconi i la Lega, thats a team!!)
Well, I just want to say, and is just for what i'm going to say that this blog is specially for Mél, that we have to make another 68 May! So, arriba las hachas i Vive Simon, cause i hope french people can make a revolution for us and, of course, I'll join them!
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Diego re-Styled

I am giving my approval to this idea of making the blog living again!
I am very glad to hear that almost everybody is alright ;)
A brief report on Diego (since you know that Diego is NOT egomaniac..:P)
The first months here in cardiff were really hard, as most of you already know..I had to start a new life, a bit different from the life that I had when I was an undergrad or master I actually had to face for the first time the fact that it is not so easy and quick to make friends when you no longer are a proper student (and not a fake student like phds)..
So in Jan I went to NY for 10 days and when I came back I found a flat (and a flatmate) after a week in an hostel....then I started to build everything from the beginning, i.e. friends, places to go, meet colleagues, activities, societies, parties, pubs, clubs (like revolution...that invaded also cardiff!)
One of the worst thing at the beginning was the fact that I didnt know anybody, and therefore I started to think that I was completely know...then it comes depression...and beacuse of depression you dont meet new people and you are not friendly with people...and so on..a vicious circle...
So how did I do it?? well I thought about Aberdeen and the italian society! So what the hell...I started to through myself inside every group of people that seemed friendly and tried to seem interesting to them, just to meet people hoping I would have met wonderful guys like you ;)
Well during this process (that is still going on!) I had to force myself to change..let's say that first of all I had to find "my center"...I mean this was not the first time I had such a crisis so I actually could recover quicker than the first time I had this kind of problems (i.e. when I broke up with my historical girlfriend...and most of you know what I am talking about)
Anyway in conclusion Diego is now re-styled a second time.. :)
Take care guys!
- Diego
PS: I didnt write anything about work but it is going very well ;)
(I will go to NY in july and then stop in LA to visit Andrea :D)
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Freaky post!

I'm so happy for the revival's flog! I hope thats the beginning of a new era and we will start to write a lot of posts, to make virtual partys and...well, whatever! You know, the other day I met an ex boyfriend I had when I was 17 who was from another town far from mine and who I thought not to see him again after we (well, we its me) broke up. The more incredible think is that after 8 years he was able to recognize me (i dont). So, can you imagine my face when he asked me "are you Estel?". I needed five minuts to recognize him...It's sad, I'm very bad remembering faces...even the ones i kissed!! Muhahhahahaaaaa!!! Well, what i want to say is not that i'm going to forgive your that is possible to meet somebody after a lot of time (uau, what a hippy thought, thats Toni's fault...i'm becoming a stupid hippy, i'm gonna dieeeeee!!!) So, we just can make a hole in our diary to meet each others. As i said in giovannis post I'll try to come to Italy this summer, maybe in August and I hope to see you all there!
A lot of kisses and sorry for the paranoia, but I'm "flipping" after this meeting...just incredible!
When people start to show up bears after winter!

Dearest all! Carissimi!
how are you? Hope everything is fine for you, I have been missing for long. I know nobody missed me, but I appear gain to bother you! I saw the blog is not in perfect shape these last weeks, I'm sorry, given that I launched the idea of this blog in Mél-Estel's kitchen (in a way, "our" kitchen too!), I do not want to see it die.
Oh sì, I take full responsibility for the idea of the blog, modestly...:-)
You see the pic? This is me! Well, I could be more tanned (Italian, Italy, paese del sole, this stuff!) but not different, since i'm finally - finally - writing my thesis. I am basically done. I need time to correct it. You could say: who kers? (Estel's pronounciation...)
Nobody, nobody!! It's just a thought back to you all a lot: I'm studying Scottish philo, on Scottish sources, it was normal I missed you during this work. A small post to show all this...
And...I happened to get many people bored (someone more, someone less) speaking of my work (sorry guys!!:-p), so I thought a little update was compulsory. Don't hate me! Moreover, special apologies to the Spanish Cunt for her birthday! I apologised in private, in public is more fashion these days...big brother society!!
And Daniel too! I did not forget your birthday, even if we haven't been in touch since Diego's and Giorgio's graduations. I do not even know if you read this blog...anyway, ciao Daniel!!
Ciao friends, a kiss to all the wonderful girls who read this blog, a masculine hand-shaking to the guys! :-) A special kiss to Mél...
Ciao bastardi!! :-p
Friday, 11 April 2008
Monday, 7 April 2008
When everybody has disappeared II
I've been complaining for months (and I'm sure I'm not the only one) that this blog is dying and the Italian society spirit with it... I'm glad somebody else than me said it cause i don't want to be the only one to harass everybody...
As Estel underlined it: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to everybody who was born in April, it's a pity we don't celebrate it together this year...but as we say in French, "le coeur y est"!!!
Firenze is simply AMAZING: we've done the perfect tourist (a bit lazy maybe but who cares??): visiting, eating, drinking!!!I'm sorry Estel, but Barcelona will have a lot of difficulties to compete...
For the Italian speaking guys, time you could have fun making poor French girls saying "pompino" and other high standart typical Italian expressions is OVER!!!I officially begin to understand Italian and 'im eager to see you again to show off with my latest improvements....
Send you many kisses from the Capital of bad weather!!
Monday, 31 March 2008
When everybody has disapeared
This blog is going to become a phantom blog if nobody wants to talk, write...whatever. So, thats a kind of "ultimatum", we must be strong and resist to the tsunami post-erasmus wich tries to separate our poor-sad-hearts!
And, what else (nespreso) Tomorrow is my birthday, in two days gio's birthday and at the end of april diego's one, so, we must do a virtual party!! Or maby better, you are invited to come to spain to make the pary of the year (i'll be glad to recive you) cause in two weeks i'll start a new live without the stupid CAP and i will have more lazy moments!
Well, nothing more, that blog its becoming a vindication, but a strange one..
PD: Mél, i hope you'll enjoy florence
PD2: Zapatero has win but the comunists are out of the government, i'm really fed up with this stupid country...well, the good thing is that Sarkozy is going to lose even if he's with Carla the super Aznar told: "she is my friend" (...but he was saying that for the problem of the spanish people, we say he for she ans viceversa...even aznar...muhahahahaha!!can you imagine georg'es face?? so good!!)
Monday, 11 February 2008
De les muntanyes i més enllà, els Teletubbies surten a jugar!
Well guys, I know i have not been really in the italian society for the lasts month, and even if i dont regret it (muhahahahaha) i'm going to say i do because i'm a layer as a spanish cunt have to be.
And well, what to say? I'm not really "inspirated" so...just that I have been thinking with you between job and job and work and work and that i really-really-really miss my lazy life in Aberdeen!!!
Aix, what a sad (in the patetic sense) mail, i'm so sorry, i'm going to die because of that!
Estel que rima amb caramel, beixamel i altres tonteries mixtes que ara mateix no valdria la pena dir. Mar, t'enyoro fervorosament com va dir algú fa poc i, encara que no t'ho creguis tinc ganes de que ens veiem d'una punyetera vegada! petonets maca i cuida't, i vine a comprar-me maletes!! Muhahaha!!
Sunday, 3 February 2008
De best cauntri in de uold in terms of calciur, .... lendscheips, .... biutiful cauntrisaid!!!!
sitis, .... villigis, .... maunteins, .... sisaid!!!!!
did you get thet???
Jeeez (de santone u drimin abaut)
Saturday, 2 February 2008
Dear little you
I have almost finished my exams, then I'll have time now to conquere the World! (Or at least doing shopping, I need new shoes...)
Anyway, I know I dont give news very often, but I hope to see all of you as soon as possible, even thought some of you have the great idea to live very far, in India or in Cardiff or in Spain, and even some of you have the default to be born in Italy, 'The Country which sucks'...
Take care little slaves, we'll meet in Gondor!
Sunday, 20 January 2008
I am calling for your generous psychological support cause I'm dying in my little parisian flat...Aware that i'm not the bellybutton of the world, I know we are all busy and stressed but since we can not gather in front of the "central building" to waste time, I'm calling for a psychological gathering! I regret Hillhead lasy days so much...
In other words, if I don't receive news from Catalogna, Italy, UK and India, I'll feel completly forsaken :( So Estel, are we seeing each other in April, Diego, what's up in your "sex & the city life"? Uncle San, when are you leaving Venice and stopping by in Paris?Florence, have you taken a decision concerning your practical, and in case, where are you going to (let me know if you 're in Bruxelles cause i may go there very soon and i'll need a nice host!!) Kartik, how's India going :p? And finally, honorable old member, have decided to take advantages of your proximity to cross the border (yes, you Giorgio, who else?)
I wish good luck to all of you, I miss you a lot!!!
Your devoted Frenchy poshy!!!
NB; devoted to you as well Gio, even if i did not mention you...
Saturday, 12 January 2008

Glückliches neues Jahr from the ausrtian alps! your favorite santone greets you from the ski tracks, and hopes you are as happy and drunk as the santone appears in the photo above (as you notice I started to speak about myself in third person).
My good intentions for the new year are:
1) quit smoking (Giovanni stop laughing now!!!!)
2) before leaving for US send postcards from Venice to all the guys I promised it but i never sent it (especially to Melissa and Kartik (P.S. I need your address again X))
3) a lot of other things prohibited to minors.
However from Friday, January 25, untill Tuesday, February 05, there will be the carnival in Venice, and if someone of the mebers of TheItalianSociety comes around I'll be happy to have him as guest. Otherwise you will just see the pictures of me vomiting on the most beauty masks of the carnival.
Thursday, 3 January 2008
I have a special thought for all of you in this beginning of to 2008: I wish you all hapiness, good health, love and success wherever you are!!!Good luck to Andrea and Diego who are leaving the sweet homy old Europe for the anglo saxon world, good luck as well for the others who are still at home but writing thesis, working, studying and finally enjoy home Kartik!!!
I miss you all a lot and hope to see you very soon!!
NB:if u don'y answer, I'll feel offended :(