Saturday, 17 May 2008

Italian Society Workshop - Milan (IT), May 22nd

Dear all,

Our members are meeting in Milano on the 22nd of May (next week!).

I will go there only for a few hours cause my flight will arrive in Milano around 15.30-16.

If you can join us let us know! ;)

- Diego


Anonymous said...

I'll be working...

what a strange think!


Anonymous said...

Hey Diego!!!

Your female quota won't be here this time...I wish i could come sooo much, but I'm really too busy...

Have fun and try to drink a spritz for me in the city of Silvio!!!!

Baci baci !!!


The Italian Society said...

Ciao!! Sorry guys, i cant come, milano is too far for me... :-p

See you there!! i'm very happy to meet you all again...well, "all", just 3! but it's alredy something, given that the italian society is spread all around the world!

Female quota... we miss the "ladies" of the society!! thank god at least denise (even if she's not really in the society) will be here, otherwise we'd play the 3 ricchioni in milano...

(ricchioni is for the italian public! anyway, "gay")

see you soon belli!!
