Saturday 2 August 2008

The italian society goes surfing!

Hi all,

It's Diego and Andrea and we want to underline that the italian society is not dead! ;) And to prove it we are in in the Apple Store in LA right now and we just came back from an entire day surfing!!! (and we were able to learn by ourself!!!)

Hope to see you all soon maybe in France since a lot of people are moving or already live there! ;)

- Diego & Andrea surfing :)

Monday 21 July 2008


Ciao everybody!!!

I've just finished my luggage for an imminent departure to Barcelona for one week with the very famous "Spanish cunt" and Giovanni!

I regret we can not all gather there for a huge orgy; oooops I meant a meeting...but too many of us betrayed their mediteranean origins to flirt with the anglo-saxon world (people concerned will recognize themselves)and as a consequence are too far away or to busy to move to Spain (Catalogna for Estel :p)...

I hope you are all doing fine and i'll have a special thought for all of you this week!!!


Wednesday 18 June 2008

I closed a chapter about Scotland today!! (a new one open??)

Dearest all! how are you?? As I always do, I've been missing for a while, but I kept reading the blog. This time I have good excuses though...:-)

I explain the title of my post: less than 10 minutes ago I printed my thesis, surprising enough, I am finally done with a year-and-a-half work I began in Scotland, let's say February 2007, as some of you might remember...

I feel strange, I closed a chapter about Scotland which followed me long after the end of the Erasmus... Maybe I opened a new one! Maybe...:-p On 7th June I was in St Andrews for a conference about my thesis, and I happened to make a good impression on two professors, who asked me to take into consideration to come over to Scotland for my PhD... (Of course I am!!) So, we'll see...

The pic is from St Andrews, it's a view of the old ruined cathedral. Very charming little village (10.000 people!), and I do not need to tell you all how I felt to be back in Scotland! I think I speak for most of us when I say I left a part of me there...

Needless to say as well, I have still two big chapters open from Scotland, Mélissa and you all, and I cant but be happy about this! Sorry for the tone of this post, but I feel nostalgic today... :-p

Ciao to you all, hope I meet you soon, who knows where?
Miss you all!!


Saturday 7 June 2008

A l'attention de Diego





Saturday 17 May 2008

Italian Society Workshop - Milan (IT), May 22nd

Dear all,

Our members are meeting in Milano on the 22nd of May (next week!).

I will go there only for a few hours cause my flight will arrive in Milano around 15.30-16.

If you can join us let us know! ;)

- Diego

Friday 16 May 2008

Lluis Llach - La gallineta

Well, I'm sure you'll like it! Its a good metaphora of the working class life!

"La gallineta ha dit que prou,
ja no vull pondre cap més ou,
a fer punyetes aquest sou
que fa tants anys que m'esclavitza.

I si em vénen ganes de fer-ne
em faré venir un restrenyiment
ja no tindrà cap més ou calent
el que de mi se n'aprofita.

La gallina ha dit que no:
Visca la revolució!

A canvi d'algun gra de blat
m'heu tret la força de volar,
però, us ho juro, s'ha acabat!
Tinc per davant tota una vida.

I no pateixo pel destí,
que un cop lliurada del botxí
no ha d'haver-hi cap perill
perquè m'entengui amb les veïnes.

I els galls que amb mi hauran de dormir
els triaré sans i valents,
que n'estic farta d'impotents
que em fan passar nits avorrides.

Que quedi clar per sempre més,
que jo de verge no en tinc res,
i ue, posats a fer, no em ve
d'un segon restrenyiment.
Jo hi sóc només si tu vols ser-hi,
no tinc cap altra veritat,
ni enganys ni misteri,
si tu hi vas, també hi vaig
no tinc país
sense tu,
tampoc tinc demà...
així doncs per sempre
matinc el repte,
només si hi vas jo hi vaig

Jo hi sóc si també vols ser-hi
tan sols per fer un camí junts,
pel goig de seguir les petjades
que ens han dut molt lluny.
Pel plaer d'un demà que engresqui
perquè ens hi troem a gust,
refent l'art de viure
poder conviure
el somni d'un món més just."

"La poulettea dit qu'elle en avant assez!
elle ne veut plus pondre un seul oeuf
au diable cet argent.
Dont je suis esclave depuis longtemps.

Si j'avais envie d'en faire un
je m'arrengerais pour être constipée
pour elui qui m'exploite.

La poule a dit non:
vive la révolution!

En échange de quelques grains de blé
vous m'avez ôté la force de voler
mais je vous jure c'est fini
j'ai devant moi toute une vie
et je ne crains plus l'avenir,
car une fois déliverée du borreau
il n'y aura plus aucune difficulté,
pour que je m'entende avec me voisines!

La poule a dit non:
vive la révolution!

Et les cops qui avec oi devoront dormir
je les choisirai sains et vaillants
je n'ai assez des impuissants
qui me font passer les nuits mornes.
Qu'il soit bien entendu, une fois pour toutes,
que je ne suis plus de tout vierge
er que tout compte fait
je n'en suis plus à une "constipation" près..."