Tuesday 13 May 2008



I recognize your style with this post...my god (which one???), I miss our conversations in the kitchen sooo much...I hope very soon we'll be able to speak in flesh and for a long time...

I didn't hear about this news...You know what i think about the sacro-saint French obcession to kill any cultural particularities, with the excuse it would challenge the best culture of the world (it's not said directly, but it's what it means...)

Our societies are sick: despite the different stories of our countries -Spanish & Italian trauma due to fascism- (we French show off, pretending we escaped it; Pétain? who is he? that's why we decided to vote a micro-fascist, and when i say micro, i'm alluding at the midget height of the French president not the size of his ideas)

We all have crap representants who represent nobody except themselves and their interests, whose jobs consists in finding black sheeps (globalization, US, terrorist, welfare cheaters, unemployed, immigrant etc..) and accuse them to be responsible for any "mal" from which the society suffers...and we dare mocking the "evil" rethoric of Bush!!!
At the same time, they try to make us feel guilty and ask us to work more and make more sacrifice, all this justified by our deep christian legacy...

You call for another 68 may...i call Giovanni to read a bit more about social movements and see the differences between the "summer of love" of our American friendsand what happened in France at that time...Despite all we can reproach to these movements, it's symbolical power is huge, showing we are not all lobotomised...

I'll add only one thing :

"Si estriem tots, ella caurà
I molt de temps no pot durar
Segur que tomba, tomba, tomba!
Ben corcada deu ser ja.

Si tu l'estires fort per aqui
I jo l'estiro for per allà,
Segur que tomba, tomba, tomba
I ens podrem alliberar"

I miss you !!!!



The Italian Society said...

Ciao to everybody and to all the poeple of good heart!

You are right...i had lunch today with some uni mates who claim that now with silvio everything will be better in italy... mah!

my speaking of L.A. was ironic, i didnt intend to enter the topic in a decent (not even for a blog!!) way...

and with this my apology is complete, given that i'm alwyas innocent! :-p

i go cry a bit cos i was defeated for the shortest post ever. fanculo diego!! :-)

baci to you all!

The Italian Society said...

Mél!! Are you learning catalan for me?? Were did you find l'Estaca?? That represents a lot for me!! Its so good! The catalan movement of "La nova cançó" it's represented in this song...and i stop now because i'm sur le point to have a historical orgasm!!

Thanks a lot Mél!! I love you!!

"L'avi Siset em parlava
de bon matí al portal
-Siset que no veus l'estaca
a on estem tots lligats?
Si no podem desfer-nos-en,
ja no podrem caminaaaaaar

Si tu l'estires fort per aquí
i jo l'estiro fort per allà,
segur que tomba, tomba, tomba,
ens podrem alliberar!"

Unknown said...

you historical/political addicted people...it should be enough studying Berlusconi's life in highschool and uni! Berlusconi who now is invoking the help of God (his colleague) to save Italy!

- Diego

Anonymous said...

I discovered I had l'Estaca in my computer in the beginning of the year, and I loved it...So you know me, i began to listen to it 100 times a day, the time to understand it was not spanish but catalan...So i decided to traslate this song, cause i knew it was a anti Franco song, and it was so beautiful...

And it was really funny, cause i could understand many things like "De bon matí al portal,
Mentre el sol esperàvem", "Si tu l'estires fort per aquí","Segur que tomba, tomba, tomba"

It's very close to the southern French dialect!!!!And so i looked for the rest of the lyrics, wonderful song!!!

Si no podem desfer-nos-en
Mai no podrem caminar !

muaka muaka!!!


Anonymous said...

Mél, you've to listen to "Que tinguem sort". It's my favorite song from Lluís Llach, the singer of l'estaca. I'm glad you like this singer because he reminds to me a lot of things. It's one of the most importants singers in catalonia! So cool!

"Si em dius adéu,
vull que el dia sigui net i clar
que cap ocell trenqui l'armonia
del seu cant
que tinguis sort, i que trobis
el que t'ha mancat
en mi"

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