Monday 11 February 2008

De les muntanyes i més enllà, els Teletubbies surten a jugar!

First of all, I may say I'm really sorry I havent seen the Simon photograph before. I know I'll have a hard punishment because of that, but you know Mél that I feel myself as the spiritual daughter of Simon, so: VIVA SIMON!!

Well guys, I know i have not been really in the italian society for the lasts month, and even if i dont regret it (muhahahahaha) i'm going to say i do because i'm a layer as a spanish cunt have to be.

And well, what to say? I'm not really "inspirated" so...just that I have been thinking with you between job and job and work and work and that i really-really-really miss my lazy life in Aberdeen!!!

Aix, what a sad (in the patetic sense) mail, i'm so sorry, i'm going to die because of that!

Estel que rima amb caramel, beixamel i altres tonteries mixtes que ara mateix no valdria la pena dir. Mar, t'enyoro fervorosament com va dir algú fa poc i, encara que no t'ho creguis tinc ganes de que ens veiem d'una punyetera vegada! petonets maca i cuida't, i vine a comprar-me maletes!! Muhahaha!!

1 comment:

Aberdiniensis (alias Giovanni-D'oh) said...

The Simone picture!! and she was such an attractive woman!

Anyway, hope you're fine. it's true, this blog has been sleeping for a while, it's normal after all, we did many things in these last weeks. People moved, people studied, people started a new life...
Good luck to everybody!!

And good luck to you in particular, since you wrote the post. for your job, life, and hoping to meet you soon!
