I am giving my approval to this idea of making the blog living again!
I am very glad to hear that almost everybody is alright ;)
A brief report on Diego (since you know that Diego is NOT egomaniac..:P)
The first months here in cardiff were really hard, as most of you already know..I had to start a new life, a bit different from the life that I had when I was an undergrad or master student...so I actually had to face for the first time the fact that it is not so easy and quick to make friends when you no longer are a proper student (and not a fake student like phds)..
So in Jan I went to NY for 10 days and when I came back I found a flat (and a flatmate) after a week in an hostel....then I started to build everything from the beginning, i.e. friends, places to go, meet colleagues, activities, societies, parties, pubs, clubs (like revolution...that invaded also cardiff!)
One of the worst thing at the beginning was the fact that I didnt know anybody, and therefore I started to think that I was completely alone...you know...then it comes depression...and beacuse of depression you dont meet new people and you are not friendly with people...and so on..a vicious circle...
So how did I do it?? well I thought about Aberdeen and the italian society! So what the hell...I started to through myself inside every group of people that seemed friendly and tried to seem interesting to them, just to meet people hoping I would have met wonderful guys like you ;)
Well during this process (that is still going on!) I had to force myself to change..let's say that first of all I had to find "my center"...I mean this was not the first time I had such a crisis so I actually could recover quicker than the first time I had this kind of problems (i.e. when I broke up with my historical girlfriend...and most of you know what I am talking about)
Anyway in conclusion Diego is now re-styled a second time.. :)
Take care guys!
- Diego
PS: I didnt write anything about work but it is going very well ;)
(I will go to NY in july and then stop in LA to visit Andrea :D)
1 comment:
Ciao bastardo!!!
Come va? Diego re-styled, eh si, i'm so glad for you. Can you re-style melissa too?! please...she has been trying to make a turkish coffee for hours...:-) i'm here in paris, si, despite everything (thesis in particular...) ma who cares, no??
A little suggestion from a very milanese: where did you get that tie?? :-p it's so, say, "british"...
Oh, i re-style myself too, i'm going to have a mac, seriously...
Mel is mocking 3 doors down, labelling them as "diego's music"...she understands nothing!!
Stammi più che bene socio, tale care!!
Baci from both of us, from me on the mouth!! :-)
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