Sunday, 1 July 2007

The Master...

I know i've more or less taken my time to write on this blog, so I must apologize...You know for sure that I miss you all, and thus that's not why I didn't write!!In fact the reasons why I didn't write are kind of numerous: first, because I received threats!!YES, Diego!You said you would kill my dog if I would not write!!!As I don't like blackmail I tried to resist, and finally scared as I was for the life of my dog, I decided to write..This was not easy, because of the 2nd point: lack of time: indeed, I didn't find any "legal" job for the summer so that I had to start again prostitution, this works very well but I must say that I am exhausted!And then I was most of the time too tired to write...I met twice Audrey during my work, (bounded or not bounded???If you wanna know, you can find out on Playboy, p.23...)she says hello to Giova!!!
To be quite honest, I only realise now what it means to be back in France, since the 6th of June, i've only been four days in France, so I didn't have time to think a lot!!(and as said some of the italian society, i suffer irreversible brain damages, so to think for me is quite hard...Thanks Mum for having taken so many drugs during your pregnancy...)
Anyway, I want to say a special hello to Diego on his first day in Scotland, hope we'll be able to go altogether abroad to visit him...By the way, be careful people from Milano, on the 14th, I MIGHT have to go there for a day or two...Mel, give me some news when you go in Grenoble!

As usual, I am fed up writing to you such a long time, so I hope everything goes wrong for the italian society, that Giorgio has finally managed to find money for his surgery(he wanted to become a transsexual if I didn't misunderstand...), I also hope that Andrea and FRederico are going out together, I wish them a lot of happyness!!!Estel don't forget that if you need help to conquer the rest of the world to make them submitted to Catalogne, I'm there to help you!!!Long life to Aragorn!!
See uuu!!!!
The fluffiness...


Anonymous said...



Aberdiniensis (alias Giovanni-D'oh) said...

I agree, stronza e pure nana Dwarf, for non-italian speakers...).

Aberdiniensis (alias Giovanni-D'oh) said...

Oops, I forgot a (.

Anonymous said...

Dwarf...If I am a dwarf you're an orc...stronzi all of you!!!

Aberdiniensis (alias Giovanni-D'oh) said...

You are online! So, fuck you, online it's better! :-)

After all, try, I say try, to be objective: you ARE a dwarf.

And Master of what?
Well, you can still call yourself a Master, you see how kind we are??

Anonymous said...

I never said I am not a dwarf, I only said that IF I am, it means you ARE an orc...BE objective....

Anonymous said...

yes!!! We will be a great team conquering the world!! Take care Italy! Mél could be our spy for the moment...i hope she will send her work to me!


Aberdiniensis (alias Giovanni-D'oh) said...

So we'll all end up saying "mambacha la placha"?
Go to Gondor Aragorn...

IF you are a dwarf, THEN I am an orc...mmhm, interesting.


Anonymous said...

Cold be heart and hand and bone
Cold be traveler far from home
They do not see what lies ahead
When sun has failed and moon is dead

Gollum dixit