Saturday, 30 June 2007

Ciao Diego

I say goodbye to myself...I know this is sad!
Anyway I am not going to die, I am only going back to Aberdeen :P

See you guys!
Hope somebody will come to visit us..


1 comment:

Aberdiniensis (alias Giovanni-D'oh) said...

Ehi socio! I'm sorry you have to fly with all what happened. I scurotti just stayed in their freakin' countries!

A big in bocca al lupo, or an equally big in the ass of the whale, as you prefer!

You'll be fine and you'll do fine. I hope I can come visit you (and the allucination...). I'll do when I can, i promise.

Hope you two can get along, don't kill each other, at least not before we see Scotland again!

I did not remember you'd leave on 1st, I would have written to you...

Stammi bene vecchio, ci si vede tra 20 anni nel tuo flat a San Francisco...
Che la forza sia con te! :-)


P.S.: Ah, mi raccomando, usalo ma non consumartelo!! ;-)