That's why I thought that this blog was something that was YOURS, in the sense of people that left Hillhead few days ago, and now really need to keep in contact! And that's why I thought I'm quite "out of context" here... even if I honestly DO feel a part of the Italian Society, and I'll always do!
So I though not to write anything in this blog, at the first time... but then I thought that someone could take it as a way to deny the Italian Society, and I never would!!!... So here I am, writing some lines!
For the ones who don't read newspapers, my last 5 months here back in Italy have been really strange... one has been fine, the following 2 have been great, great and again great, while the last 2 have been quite bad... Most of this is a result of the influence that a french girl (in erasmus at Padova) had on me... but you can read all on all the gossip magazines, so I'm not going to bore anyone with that stuff!
I'd just like to thank everyone that made my 5 months there in Aberdeen great, and in particular I'd mention all the Italian Society (obviously), the Master, my ex-flatmates, Melissa and her ex-flatmates (maybe excluding the i-Cunt :P) and everybody else that contributed to my wonderful 5-months-studying-holiday in Hillhead!
Best wishes to you, hillhead-fuckers!

P.S.: My english has never been great, but now is also quite rusted, so you're encouraged to go over my mistakes and try to get the sense of what I wrote.. thanks! :P
Hey Giorgio!!!!
So good to have some news from u, it has been such a long time!!!I can understand that u feel a little bit "out of context", but come on, u definitly belong to the Italian society which was not the same without you're wonderful orange bonnet!!!As I'm not a big fan of gossips press, I'd like u to develop your life these last 5 months!!!!
Hope to see u soon!!
Baci, mél
Come on Giorgio, don't fool us! You are part of the Italian society!
What did I tell you after you left? Exactly that we felt like orphans without you, and I meant it!
We brought your name up many many times during tese last months, because we happened to feel that someone was missing..
Hope to see you soon, of course, we'll do it.
Well, dealing with bad french influence on poor italian guys...i think i know something about it.. No names, mel, right? :-)
Ciao vecchio!
Eheheehhe... Melissa, I'm glad to hear that no one in Hillhead had been able to reproduce my orange bonnet!... that makes me feel quite powerful... with no reason, but quite powerful... bwhuahahah!..
Ehm, ok...
However, as for my last 5 months, I really prefer not to tell you all the stuff that happened for 2 reasons:
the first one is that it would be really really long to tell
the second one is that the end is quite sad, and the less I think about it the better is for my mental health! ;)
Giova... you probably misunderstood me.. I really felt and feel part of the Italian Society, what I don't feel so much is a part of your last 5 months.. and that's probably why we were some thousands kilomiters far! :P
Anyway, you know I missed you all so much as well, so I promise you we'll see as soon as possible!
As for french girls and their bad influence I think there's only one cure: to wave the flag of the 4th times World Champions! Bwhahahhaa!... that makes me feel as powerful as the orange bonnet!.. almost... :P
Ciao socio! ;)
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