Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Shame on you...

As you can see, I was the last personn who wrote on the blog, more than two weeks ago so I wanted to say a big "shame on you" to all the members of the Italian society who let its spirit dye...

First, to the Master who does not give the good example by her prolonged absence...and then to all the others (because she can't take the responsiblity alone!), in Italy, Spain or United Kingdom!!!I know that we are all busy: working about thesis, crap jobs or studies for future exams but I don't give a shit!!!

I'm sure any of us can take 5 minutes, sometimes, to explain to the others the last gossips of his/her life!!!

Make an effort guys!!!


Saturday, 14 July 2007

Allons enfants...

Despite the fact that Giovanni, by an excess (for once!) of kindness towards the French society, had been quicker than me, I still want to cheer the poor people who unfortunately lost their heads during this bloody day...MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Besides, it's the perfect day to remember what to be French means: a little bit less megalomania & pride and a bit more idealism...Let's keep a piece of hope for our beautiful country: anyone who is shocked by the growth of extremism and the decline of our fundamental values such as equality, secularity or the undivisibility of France is very welcome to kick all the Sarko's prositutes out...(I think, for example, of people who live on the other side of the Pyrenees...obviously, not the one from the other side of tha Alpes but why not???)

I miss the Italano-Catalano Indian French connexion, take care!!!!


14 juillet

Best wishes to France and French people!
...Today I'm not kidding, I swear!...:-)


Tuesday, 10 July 2007


All the sweets in l'Empordà -I live in this region- are Hariboooo! Do you remember? The sweets that we ate in the flat. But, I'm sorry for you Melisa, but they are German (I think that you said they are French)
I'm going to buy some... nyam nyam nyam! hahahahahahaha!

Yes Diego, I'm really afraid because of you! aaaahhhhh!
Mel, I will send to you my mail, tlf and adress...
Estel: See you today! XD

Kisus misus,

your mental friend (that means it's me, Mar)

Oh! my God! You have a mental friend! Have you realized?

Sunday, 8 July 2007

9-07-2006: Campioni del mondo!

I wanted to post a picture, but I couldn't... Maybe blogger.com is French, or more simply I'm not table...

Anyway, a little memory from last year. Some were far away (Spain, Scotland,...India!), some were close, but not enough (France...doesn't matter, it's just a game after all!), some did it...Italy!

Exactly one year ago tomorrow. A little memory to remember some friends who are far away now, but still champions for the NEXT THREE YEARS!


Giò and I guess all the Italian Society with me...

P.S.: Allons enfants de l'Italie / la coupe du monde on a gagné!

Saturday, 7 July 2007

Hi guys!

I haven't written anything before because I was sleeping in Catalunya until now. I see that your life is ok and all of you are happy. I'm happy too: I sleep a lot, I go to the beach, I have a lot of free time, I do whatever I want... The next week I'm going to Galicia to stay with my family.

What a boring text! Ok, that's the true: I don't know what to say. First, because I don't have imagination, and second, because my english doesn't allow me to express myself properly.
Anyway, I'm very happy because I meet you in Scotland. Yes, it was a really good time!

So I hope that you have more to say than me... and with better english XD

The sea is blue! (That means that I'm Mar)

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Back home!

Ohi Diego! How are you? I guess you are "back home" by now. 'Home', I mean Scotland.
How is it? What's the impression?

We all hope you didn't have any problem for flying since maybe you travelled the very day of the terrorists' attempts. Next time I'll call their boss (we all know who) to fix a better schedule for you... :-)

Tell us something! Is everything still at place? Go to Lidl (by Lidl) for us!

I'm just sorry we didn't meet before you left again, but no worry, we know were you live... I guess you won't miss Denise's party either: bionda, if you are reading, give us a sign! Well, "bionda" would be better.

Personally, my best wishes vecchio, you are doing something really worth it, and I'm happy for you. Hope I can follow you very soon, hope someone abroad wants me, because Italy never really told me I could stay: let's say that Italy always found me here, she could not choose!

I know it may be a little artificial and weird at the beginning, but try to keep the Italian Society's spirit alive in Scotland, for you and for scottish people: how can they survive otherwise without sun and with their weather??

I'm sure Kartik will read this, but when you see him tell him hi from me: in flesh it's better. Meanwhile, Kartik, take care of Diego! :-)

Ciao socio, ah, mi mandi l'indirizzo del tuo attico a New York?


Sunday, 1 July 2007

The Master...

I know i've more or less taken my time to write on this blog, so I must apologize...You know for sure that I miss you all, and thus that's not why I didn't write!!In fact the reasons why I didn't write are kind of numerous: first, because I received threats!!YES, Diego!You said you would kill my dog if I would not write!!!As I don't like blackmail I tried to resist, and finally scared as I was for the life of my dog, I decided to write..This was not easy, because of the 2nd point: lack of time: indeed, I didn't find any "legal" job for the summer so that I had to start again prostitution, this works very well but I must say that I am exhausted!And then I was most of the time too tired to write...I met twice Audrey during my work, (bounded or not bounded???If you wanna know, you can find out on Playboy, p.23...)she says hello to Giova!!!
To be quite honest, I only realise now what it means to be back in France, since the 6th of June, i've only been four days in France, so I didn't have time to think a lot!!(and as said some of the italian society, i suffer irreversible brain damages, so to think for me is quite hard...Thanks Mum for having taken so many drugs during your pregnancy...)
Anyway, I want to say a special hello to Diego on his first day in Scotland, hope we'll be able to go altogether abroad to visit him...By the way, be careful people from Milano, on the 14th, I MIGHT have to go there for a day or two...Mel, give me some news when you go in Grenoble!

As usual, I am fed up writing to you such a long time, so I hope everything goes wrong for the italian society, that Giorgio has finally managed to find money for his surgery(he wanted to become a transsexual if I didn't misunderstand...), I also hope that Andrea and FRederico are going out together, I wish them a lot of happyness!!!Estel don't forget that if you need help to conquer the rest of the world to make them submitted to Catalogne, I'm there to help you!!!Long life to Aragorn!!
See uuu!!!!
The fluffiness...