Once upon avon there was a girl who had a cat who wanted new emotions. One day the cat just disapered leting the girl completly upset. After four days without the cat, the girl returned to her hometown to search the cat. She posted the photograph of the cat around the town almost crying because she didn't know if the cat was alive...And after 4 hours of walk, posting the photographs the cat decided to return at home. Maybe he saw the photograph and decided that she was an hysterical girl, maybe he was exhausted to play with the other cats...but the girl was completly disapointed by him.
She returned to Girona (where she was living) and started a new work, knew new people and made the papers for her studies (because she had finished it) and bla,bla,bla...
So, guys, is for this that she is not giving any news to anybody (and because she have not internet at her new home...) but she miss you and she want all of you to come. From "LAPUTA" (not the prostitute, is the name of the film of Hayao Miyazaky) with love
PS: i hope your exams were OK! And Mél you've to give to me some news from Paris, i'm really "impacient"!!
It seams to be the photograph of somebody stupid or somebody important. I didn't decided it yet. (uou,, i love to critizice myself...)
So, the cat is back, isn't he? Just leave that bloody ball of fur on a highway next time, just to give him a lesson.
I've got a strange relationship with pets, cats in particular. My best grilfriend (girl-friend,to be clear) has got a cat, and I know it very well.
The problem is that a cat believes it is the bellybutton (read: the centre) of the world: it must be fed, taken care of, healed, and...and what you get back? Almost nothing, sometimes some attentions, but very very rarely.
Well, pets owners are conscious slaves. Ciao Estel! :-)
I'm so happy you found the poor Nietzsche...it must have been so afraid but discovering the world worths it!!!
Concerning your point Giovanni, very relevant by the way, there are some human beings having this kind of typical feline caracteristics of ungratefulness, no offense :P...
Anyway,I'v not got the results yet but I promise I let you know as soon as i know!!!I miss you as well!
my cat is so nice...he is a little bit dog, or maybe i'm a little bit cat...but i just love him! he is great!
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