Saturday, 18 August 2007

Spanish Lectures: Lesson 1

With the summer here, there are a lo of people who wants to go to the spanish beach, so, for that you need to know the bases of our language and, why not, our culture...

After "Espinete" (the pink guy who lived with Don Pimpon, Blas, Epi...) these guys are the more educative way to learn the colors in spanish. coment...

Pd: I know, but i must share it with you...


The Italian Society said...

Ok, i don't know why it didn't show the link, so here we go!

The Italian Society said...


how to insert a video from youtube in your post:
when you watch the video on youtube, on the right of the video there is a field called "Embed" (or "Insertar" in spanish) copy the content of this field directly in your post ;)

- Diego :P

Anonymous said...

...embarassing... is it very hot in spain?

The Italian Society said...

thanks diego!! I will try to do it in the right way the next time!

PD: Its not really hot its raining so...but, anyway Im going to be in france in to days! I hope it will be hot there :)